See also: The 2023 Conference Gallery
Early Morning: 9:00~11:00

Julia Muir
Our theme is to “Focus on 30 by 30”, to stay the course and sustain the increase in diverse female representation. We have made amazing progress since our last conference, and now have 70 automotive CEO/ MD members, many of whom have stepped forward to reinforce their support for the campaign by becoming our 11 Patrons and our 16 Silver members. In this session Julia Muir will outline some key achievements and how the Club will pursue our 30 by 30 goal with renewed vigour in 2023 and beyond.

Beyond 30% at Keyloop
Tom Kilroy
In this session Tom Kilroy will inform us of the progress that Keyloop has made in terms of increasing female representation to achieve 30% of key leadership and decision making roles filled by diverse women already, but also what is needed to sustain it beyond that number and the 2030 timeframe.

Priority Actions to Achieve 30 by 30
Sarnjit Kaur, Stuart Mustoe, Andrew Mallory, Simon Smith
This panel discussion will be chaired by Sarnjit Kaur, and will explore the priority actions of each of the panellists for increasing diverse female representation. They will share some great ideas and solutions.

Using Data to Drive Diversity Decisions
Julia Muir and Alex Smith
This fire side chat between Julia Muir and Alex Smith will demonstrate best practice use of female representation data in Volkswagen Group UK to drive decision making. It will launch the Automotive 30% Club data collection exercise to establish the level of female representation in key leadership and decision making roles within the member company companies.

Keyloop Reaching 30%
Charlotte de Metz, Harvey, Jacqui Barker, Nina Chen
This panel discussion is chaired by Charlotte de Metz and features high performing women from Keyloop. They will share the story of the company's journey to achieving 30% of key leadership and decision making roles being filled by diverse women, through the experiences of the women it affected.
Late Morning: 11:20~13:00

Never Give Up
Claire Lomas
Our guest external speaker will inspire us by showing how resilient and determined she has been to live a full life, take on challenges and not be defined by her disability. She will encourage us to recognise women with disabilities as a talent pool that currently face many barriers in the workplace, not only in terms of requiring adaptations to physical environments and equipment, but also working practices such as needing flexible working to manage particular health conditions. Despite paralysis, Claire can ride motorbikes, and fly a microlight (both with adaptations) yet there are everyday things that are still so difficult- like moving around a workplace.

30 by 30 at Toyota GB
Agustín Martín and Paula Cooper
Agustín will talk about the actions taken within Toyota GB that have led to achieving the goal of 30% of key leadership roles filled by diverse women. He will talk about the challenge of aiming for diverse female representation. Agustín will identify key successes, and also what more needs to be done.
Paula will talk about the formation of the Toyota retailer cohort of Automotive 30% Club members. She will explain what the plan is for the cohort moving forward and how they will be supported to get to 30 by 30.
Early Afternoon: 13:40~14:50

Reach Out to New Talent Pools
All delegates
During this session, the delegates will divide into break out groups chaired by facilitators, to discuss how to actively take steps to attract diverse women to apply for roles in automotive. We will identify ideas and solutions that could inspire members to take action.
Late Afternoon: 15:10~16:30

Engaging Men in the Gender Equity Conversation
Elliott Rae
Elliott will remind us that men are the other half of the gender balance, and that they need to be included and involved in the conversation. Men need to understand how creating inclusive gender balanced cultures will actually help them, and we must ensure we are effectively communicating these benefits to them. He will talk about positive masculinity as active fatherhood, having male friendships, and recognising the negative impact of gender stereotypes on men. He will advise that automotive leaders have a critical role to play by being positive role models to the men in their organisations and local communities, and by countering the negative influence of misogynistic social media influencers.

Beyond 30% at Auto Trader
Catherine Faiers
Catherine will share the progress that Auto Trader has made in achieving 30% female representation in key leadership and decision making roles, but also what is needed to sustain it beyond that number and timeframe, and the steps towards improving the diversity of the women. She will detail some best practice solutions, and individual success stories.

Closing Messages
Julia Muir
Julia will summarise the key themes and messages emerging from the conference sessions, and urge all members to take further action to increase diverse female representation in the sector.